Archive for January, 2008

Silent as I Smile(d).

Posted at: 9:51 pm
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If I smiled at you, you should see, that my eyes tell a story. A smile wasnt its ending. It’s plastered fake.


You don’t mind, care.

My pointless smiles.

I know what’s real now,

I know your truth.

Here’s to my plastered smile,

I saved for you.


Posted at: 6:27 am
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I miss my old self.

I miss me.

So I’m back to my dull reality. Far away, across the seas, near the Atlantic and I’m simply waiting. Waiting to fall into Life’s uneventful cycle.

Here’s to the nights.Warm weather. I miss the cold.

Here’s to you.

I’m completely satisfied in knowing, that you don’t care.


Jan. 1. 2008

Posted at: 1:10 am
Filed under : Life
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The year 2007….

My story was filled with disappointing passion, appreciated pain, and forgive-less lust; I fell in love. But its blind. I breathed in, and now I’m breathe-less. It fails to notice. It failed. You know better, you should see it in my eyes, I see-less. Its called appreciating Life.

You learn to live, with the heartburns.
Square one, you hurt; I exist.
Square two, I hurt; you noticed.
So when’s the heart attacked?…


I have no key – to imprison you. What force can I use to set terms against you? I really wanted to keep it quiet, but I really wanted to tell you so, but my tongue was bleeding, and my lips were bruised. I won’t speak (now), unless spoken to.


A year has failed to change what the last spurred. But Life is still everlasting in beautiful. As the year ends, I ended to. I ended what failed to start; I never truly wanted it to exist. But now I know better. You know I knew. I realized that you’re capable of breathing too.


I adjourn a path alone.
It’s better.
Almost always.

You learn to live, within the moments. You take what you get, not what your given. You take words, you constrain their definitions to elude the honest truth. You pretend your happiness, and sometimes, you actually fool yourself.

Cosi Bella.

If I were you, I’d think that Your Battlefield is talking as though she was crazy in love. But honestly, I am talking with the mindset of being crazy in loving Life. If you learn to love life with the pain that it fails to relieve, with the hurt it fails to band aide, with the rejection it dismays, then that is as close as you could ever get to really loving Life. Remember, we all have expiration dates…;(