Archive for September, 2008

Something untrue.

Posted at: 10:55 pm
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Your eyes are no longer beautiful.
I just don’t know you.
No, not at all.
Not anymore.
You see, Your eyes told lies,
They made me feel beautiful.
Your eyes.
They were sweet.

A sigh – use to always escape from me.
I actually fell for you.
I fell in love with you.
And now I’m trying to fall out.
Out of love.
I’m trying to forget you, maybe forgive too.
I’m trying really hard.
I need time.
It takes time.
To forget all of what you meant to me.

You were never anything.
You were just a headache and a liar.
And don’t lie,
Everything that includes me was never important,
Yes, I’m being true.
You were never true.
If I was important, you wouldn’t have stopped
And fed our silence – with your cold indifference.
You wouldn’t have stopped loving who I was to you.
But you’re a liar.
And I can no longer appreciate anything,
Involving you.
You’ll be a mere hello and I’ll be quick with
The goodbye.
Coffee before midnight…

It was all lies.
I don’t need your words.
I don’t need you.
I don’t need anything that is you.
I simply have no way of knowing..
But I used to love you.
I use to.
I was used.
Here’s to the special
One I trusted,
And burned.
Here’s to falling for someone,

Here’s to you.

Don’t Apologize.

Posted at: 7:22 am
Filed under : Fiction, Heartbreaks, Life, Nonsense
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لا تعذر وصلك وشوفك تعذر حتى طبعك صار يا خلي عجيب قلبك الي كان يهواني تكبر ما بقى مني ومن همي قريب حتى دمعك في وسط عينك تحجر ما يبكيك الوله لو هو صعيب في فؤادك حبي العذري تغير يا حسافه صرت بعيونك غريب روح انا راضي بحظي والمقدر كل واحد في حياته له نصيب عزتي ترفض على الظلم اتصبر من يبيع الحب ما يصلح حبيب لا تعذر وصلك وشوفك تعذر حتى طبعك صار يا خلي عجيب

[tejra7 o tensani]

Posted at: 10:27 am
Filed under : Disappointments, Fiction, Heartbreaks, Life, Nonsense
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I am tired of overusing the words.
&I am really tired of trying to let you into this heart.

I am tired of listening to the silence kill our anonymous feelings,
& you seem to just willingly want to never budge.
I….give up this so-called lust coated love.

You forget me.
& my insides are all confused.
My heart tells me to let you go,
but I never follow what it suggests.

I never listened,
I longed to voyage back to hurting.
I love your hurt.

I find you a necessary
& I give up.
I surrender.
I need for this to stop.

come to an end.

we did not start.

I have caused too much damage on myself,
to continue floating in the dark waters of unwanted.

Laish tejra7 o tensani?
Laish tegool ma te7ib
……Inta lik 7ob thani?
5ala9 ma tabeeni?
………..7abebi enta shftelik 7ob thani?
yemot il 7ob.

kil 7ob o yemoot.


i do not bite, i’d love to have some comments.

Sept 6 2008

Posted at: 8:56 am
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You see this is how it always goes. You go for your moments, and then you look up the term replaceable. Is that not sweet? Is that not quite the something.

You. I always dreamt of you. I have painted your picture twice. In my mind, the brushes and acryllics did you more than justice defined. I made you real.

You know, I find you irreplaceable. But unlike you, I do not forget and walk away. I hold on and that is just a shame.

Your long past gone and the memories were spared. We were nothing more than restless boring summer nights and gushing winds that blew against our cheeks.

I keep this sad memory. I keep dreaming of you. Last night, I dreamt of you. But you have never dreamt of me. I promised you nothing.

Maybe I can stop tomorrow. For you always seem to steal my time. I am almost damaged. I am falling apart, and I barely have a breathe.

I am with a broken heart. I keep bleeding. I think I am in pain, and I keep asking you to heal me. I feel I need something.

Broken does not last forever. Thank you for coming inside my head. I just keep seeing your broken reflection in my eyes. Your purpose in my life seems to have lost its prize.

I keep falling apart. I have your broken heart. I feel like bleeding. I am in pain. And now are you healing? I am holding on to your broken heart. I am holding on. You left me here alone. I think I lost my way now, but I have not forgotten how you were my home.

Its raining every so lightly. The rain makes me feel happiness but I killed your romance in the rain. I killed your heart. You obviously moved along. She found you more to her likes, and she is less of a complication. I wish I could tell you exactly how the weather makes me feel for you. But that is now not slightly even possible.

I hate how I see you more. I hate how you cant put my puzzles back into their pieced togetherness. I very much hate you. But that can not stop me from falling for you even more. Please do something. Go away. Tell me something that will make me hate you. Make me loathe you. For right now, even as you torch my wounds and give me more sorrow and guilt, I am very much taken away by you. I still feel broken.

Is this what you define as my happiness?

Boy and Rain.

Posted at: 7:07 am
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You have your days,
& I have mine.
You forget to smile,
But I keep smiling at you.
You have a special someone,
& I have you.
You remember memories,
But I live in you.


Happiness kissed me today,
Because the sky was crying,
And the rain poured and cleansed
My very weary soul.

I am back in the arms of fate,
But I miss you a little more.
I shouldn’t but I very well do,
& that keeps me smiling too.


Rain tomorrow,
Rain all day.

I will post you as Life.

Posted at: 1:46 am
Filed under : Life, Nonsense
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Before I climb this mountain, and before I promise you my happiness… I will paint you my glittering smile, and wipe your falling tears. Before it all even more, before I promise you a journey of beautiful dreams, I will take it to my heart to call me ‘yours’. I will end clouding your thoughts; I will let my eyes explain these feelings. I will call myself ‘love(d)’.

Before I confuse you and before I dance around your fears, I want you to know that this last summer I watched the sun rise. I watched the lonely hours turn into long days. I came to figure out that no one really cares and I should not allow myself matter to them.

People will come as I go, some will heart my smiles and circle my waist, some may actually care. But I realized that some will paint you lies and except from you honest truths. But here I am, telling you (my favorite stranger) I am older and the dark circles have made me wise. You make those people matter, and you are the only one required to change when they derive you out of the equation.

Indifference does not wound, it is going along the lines of lies that kill and caress my sweet revenge. My life story is in these very lines of a hard year, a treacherous summer and a lost sense of found freedom. I am writing my memories, and I am clouding your eyes with these few paragraphs but, I just redefined myself and I am re-appreciating the good things in life. And maybe, just maybe, I have had the power of coloring your heart with a little shade of wonderful.

Ofcourse I love you.

But I will always be me, and I will change the meaning of ‘you’.