Archive for May, 2010

Ente El Gumar

Posted at: 7:40 am
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I am for someone else .. And you are for someone other than me. I wish I was that somebody for you, but complications exist, and us together receives resistance.

The years have spoken, they had their say .. Our history denies us a future and you are falling apart as I stand in front of you. You tug at my shirt and I stop myself from holding your hands that are restlessly resting in your lap.

Let go.

It was a delicate touch,

You gave me a delicate hug,

I watched and the intensity in your eyes, You started raining tears on my shirt. It was a firm grip. Beautiful, it was always our reality to have an ending. And this was it. You. In my arms. I am broken. You are sad.

Today, I loved you. I will forever,

but I buried the feelings of love and I burned everything, leaving only the memories in my mind .. I hate the mind, and how it has a capability to retrieve the best and worst .. I miss myself around you .. I miss how the moon smiled bright and I always lost myself in your eyes ..

Ente el Gumar ..

Mani Gumar

Lakn ya 7abeb el ro7

Wainek ma tebayen

Mishtaga leshofek

Mishtag moot

Chapter Ends, hello beautiful.

Posted at: 6:52 am
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My world did not shatter, and the glass I had assumed was still embedded in my heart does not live there anymore. I am free, and I feel extremely beautiful.

You know the lesson in life that matters, those who mean the most do not matter anymore, and I am perfectly okay with that. Love is an ability, and you can lose it.

I lost the ability to love, and I am fortunate, because it does not exist in this world.

I feel beautiful, I am honest, and I can barely keep the smiles from describing my feelings. The few meaningful tears I cried changed me,

but after they fell, and after I wiped the salt residue, I am perfectly okay with everything. As much as I try to hold onto a past that died and will never re-exist, I am in love with myself, with my life, and I never need anyone.


Thank you for the realization, Thank you for the perfect chapter ending, and Thank you for a beautiful beginning of a beautiful me.

I end it as it is, it is what it is, it is a beautiful rose, picked premature but still, the reddest shade and crimson. I loved you,

but not anymore.

Methel el zmaan Wada3tek o galby ma3ak walakeen .. It ends, It ended. Your pull, was a push, and I am glad

Here we go again,

Endings are beautiful.