Where Did I Go Wrong?…

Posted at: 8:30 am
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Attention: you are promised many laughs and some moments of silence…read and enjoy 😉

The Pets in My Life: after i discuss each and every creature leave a comment; tell me about your pets and if you have any or would like some…tell me ur pet stories …;)

at the mere start of my life, we had a kitten that grew into a handsome cat…persian it was and so beautiful…anywhoo i was at the age of 6 or 7 and the youngster then my younger sister who was either 4 or 5..you’ll understand why i mention her in a bit…well this darling sister decides to enchant the cat and give him a run on his life…she played with him and decided he was a horse so she hmph how can i put this pleasantly…she pranced around the house riding the kitten and yelling gettiup horsey…man those were the days…where everything will change for the better in some cases and the worst for others..

so basically the cat was maskeen tortured by my beasty little sister then and well he used to run and hide beneath the tables, or anywhere where he could be safe out of my sister’s grasp. i have to admit she did love him…hehehe anywhoo one day we took him with us to my grandma’s house and this was the day my parents decided the cat should remain with my grandma…finally the little creature was to be saved from my sister heheh 😉 anywhoo time goes on and we continue to play and visit the cat and my sister resumes her torture and then the cat decides to run for his life…he ran away and that was the last we saw of him.

did i forget to mention we then got another cat and this one was a beauty as well and he too ran away hehehe and i didnt mention how i am allergic to cats…i was mighty scared of those little animals that whenever they were heading my direction i jumped on any couch or safe location…those were the days aye ;)…my sister running after the cat and me running away from it 😉

so we get another pet but this time there rabits….2 cute cuddling rabbits who enjoyed there stay and were fed handsomely and generously lettuce, carrots, etc…then one day they decided they shall hmmm give you there age..aka they died…one was a white rabbit the other was this beautiful shade of brown i loved him so much…but i guess being in a cage and roaming some few times they couldnt handle it…one died before the other and the other one was lonely and decided he just couldnt live on any longer …:(

back to the pet store again, 😉 we get 2 birds…they are quite settled in there cage, fed well and then my sweet maid decides to give one of them a bath and he end’s up sick and dies in a fortnight, i ask my parents if we can set the other one to fly free and we eventually do…i have no idea if it died or is yet living 😉

then comes our summer vacation, we head off to malaysia where we had a blast…it was such a great vacation being with your family having fun laughing till your eyes cried from amazement n such…well one of the days me and my papa decided to go get dinner for the family so we go out walking and such from our hotel to the resturant..and it just finished rainy and all of a sudden small baby frogs jump from the bushes…it was soo weird the size of them was astounding…so tiny and i pleaded my papa if i could take one of them and he says yes…so he grabs one for me and puts it in a water bottle. this is where the fun begins…we get back to the hotel and i go tell my vulnerable so easily fooled sister JACKIE that look i just went to this pet store and bought this little frog i will give it to you for a cost…she pays up and then i tell her about how i saw small tiny monkey’s, cats, elephants you name it i said it as tiny as this frog..and she believed me…but then i gave up after laughing hysterically from the pleasure of all of this and i tell her you fell right into my lie..me and my dad chuckled till tears filled our eyes…this story shall be retold and rekindled dearest jackie to your inshallah grandchildren someday etc….i love you but your fooled easily muwah..i wuv you soooo much

we kept the frog till the end of the trip and then i took him with me to the airport when we were about to board the plane my mama told me no he cant go with us back…so we pout our lips (my sisters) and plead but to no avail that little creature was left in the airport of malaysia trying to book a flight hehehe 😉

then we are back and home, years go by my little baby sister lulu 4 years now…is born and we decide to get her some birds…we got 6…;) lol…an incident happened where my mama put her hand in the cage to pet it and then that little hellion bird bit her finger :)…and unfortunately he died weeks later…so down to 5 birds…another died down to 4…hamdallah those four are still alive and chirping may they always…but two of them are one of a kind…we did also get baby chicks for that angel but she was scared from them and well we gave them away

to the birds…they are two different types of birds in two different cages…two birds in each ;)…the 2 ones i shall talk about are amazing…well here goes, the cage they came in was well not quite professional so the smart bird bit and crunched on the bar of the door till he operated it to his pleasure..fleeing from his cage in the morning and going back to sleep in it at night….we didnt notice until one day i was walking upstairs and i spot a freakin bird sittin in our dinning room on top of the plastic tree thingy decoration…i get scared and search for the other one and then i realized what happened and time passes by…they are allowed to roam freely and sit on that tree they do no harm but papa says its not safe for them to be like that…so he gets them a bigger cage more freedom and he spends many minutes trying to catch those little intelligent creatures..

we have fish tooo lol and occasionally new fish are put in month to month…but the most remembered creatures were those 3 shark like fish i dont recall their correct name but we named them these weirds names as well…and some time after a year of having them in the tank they go wild and crazy…the fish seem to disappear….you cought 20 small fish in the morning and next day 10 are still there…baby transparent gold fishes..so those 3 fishes got soo freakin fat…and then lost the weight apparently they ate those poor gold fish…anywhoo they go through a mad phase in which they bump there heads into the glass windows of the tanks this weakens their endurance and they eventually die…:( sad story but worth the telling

hmmm have i missed a pet…i guess not all the above are all the pets in our household from then to now….may all those that died rest in peace and those that are alive live longer ;)…now tell me should we get another new pet lol

FYI: the pic of the kitten is not our cat…but it has some resemblance in the color 🙂 isn’t he adorable

tell me your pet story 😉 and i hope i didnt bore you….;)

15 Responses so far

  1. 1

    FaYoora said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 11:59 am

    Cats are Evil.. Evil must Die!
    im thinking of starting a cat killing campaigne.. care to join?

  2. 2

    ss said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 2:02 pm

    it was an interesting story there.

    scince you want some pet stories let me tell you about mine.

    once upon a time, before 15 years we had a dog that we found from the streets we took him to the vet for an injection and then he was ours well i was three or four years old and like your adorable sister i rode the dog like a horse (maskeen:P) any way he stayed for three months and then ran away ( i dont blame him) after that we had parrot he said two words faleela ( our house keepr’s name) and 7mara(for everyone else :P) he stayed fo acoupleof years then one summer when we came from our vacation he died 🙁 the years passed and we had chicks, ducks, turtles, love birds, otherkinds of birds, snails, rabbits, and ginnie pigs. makint a3tirif fehom ka pets couse they were small hehe then in 112005 we had the most beautifull cat ever no one liked cats except me but when i bought her they all fell in love with her. she had long hair that was orange unfortunatly she died in may (baytna galab 3aza) we found out that our house was not complete with out a cat so we bought a kitten he is boy in is with us now he is 4 months really hyper eats everything like a trash can and bites anything heheh alla i6awil ib 3omrah inshala. and i hope we live happly ever after ;P

    thats all about my pets and i hope i didn’t bore you 🙂

  3. 3

    ss said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 2:03 pm

    oh yeah almost forgot we had some gold fishes along the way ;P

  4. 4

    ZiZoTiMe said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 3:21 pm


    I’m in


    I hate pets!!! Well I hate all the animals and I hate poeple who loves them (Except u in this case) 😛

    Wanna some help in getting red of yor pets 😉

  5. 5

    Hamza said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 5:03 pm

    cute cat picture.

  6. 6

    Jacqui said,

    July 20, 2006 @ 8:10 pm

    We first had a she cat and then a he cat. But still the point is funny how you can recall most of the animals we had, and I can’t, it must’ve been at the time I was high or something.

    Also I’m going to kill you for mentioning the Frog Story!

  7. 7

    Your Battlefield said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 2:43 am


    welcome to my blog,soo true…cats at times are evil ;)hmm i’m just pending to join if and when something bad happens to me from a cat…i did have cat nightmares when i was a baby 😉 so i guess count me in…think about how much we should price our kills and such what ppl shall pay for us to get rid of their cats…depends on there size, likeness, hhehehee kiddin ;), hope to see you again


    welcome to my blog, i gotta admit i enjoyed reading your pet stories…lol at riding the dog as a horse i thought dog’s wont allow such things only cats since they can be defenseless 😉 ohh yeah you just reminded me we also had a turtle but we gave them away when they started to become hostile and mean ;(…ginne pigs interesting where’d you keep all these animals in the garden, your house, etc?? may she rest in peace that cat she sounds sweet and adorable…inshallah that kitten is healthy and safe :P, you sound like your a pet lover i imagine your future a little surrounded by pets 😛


    awww so sweet but i too dislike pets but i can open up to them and well allow there stay in our house, one day after i get married i shall get a baby kitten for my children if god blesses me…and when he grows into a cat bye bye kitty…i’ll send her away 😉

    ohhh yes i just remembered your incident with the dog…hehe LOL…hmm the pets seem to get rid of themselves it’s an easy life no worries 🙂


    my beautiful sister, i am not sorry i mentioned the frog…obviously you are still attached to him and it shall never die down..your children, grandchildren will all be told this story ;P

    why you dont recall any of our pets because u have short term memory my dear sister one minute you talk to me about something and i cut in & say what i say but you dont return to what you spoke about cuz you are FORGETFUL…:P

    remember one of the rabbit’s name was NINEBALL naming curiousty of you or fee :)ohhh and your always high on forgetfulness 😉 and I LOVE YOU :******

  8. 8

    Sedna said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 2:50 am

    “they go through a mad phase in which they bump there heads into the glass windows of the tanks this weakens their endurance and they eventually die”

    That is SO funny I can’t stop laughing!!

  9. 9

    Your Battlefield said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 3:34 am


    sorry i didnt see your comment appear until now, thank you…i got it from the net he’s soo adorable and cute…welcome to my blog hope to see you again


    LOL…glad to be of service…dont you just think i should stand clear of owning a pet…it just doesnt work out ;)…dont you have any funny pet stories…i dished out on all of mine ;P

  10. 10

    da Vinci said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 8:14 am

    تذكرين اسم القطو( نننوس)وبعدين اهو انحاش منكم لان اختك رقم 4 كانت تخليه تحت المخدة و تنام عليه حتي ما ينحاش، و اذا صار شيطان تمسكة من ذيلة و ترمية علي الاقرب طوفه.
    قصصك حلوة

    قصة الضفدع من احلي القصص انت مجرمة يا دودو


  11. 11

    ss said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 3:18 pm

    yeah!! i am a pet lover i love all kinds of pets (except insects and reptiles they are sneeky and mean)

    and about all the pets they didin’t come all at once as soon as one of them dies another one comes in the house 😛

    i like your blog

  12. 12

    Edward Ott said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 7:59 pm

    My daughter drives our poor cats crazy as she wants them to stay in her baby carriage and push them about.

  13. 13

    Your Battlefield said,

    July 21, 2006 @ 11:19 pm

    da vinci:

    dearest father, what can i say…i’m talented in pranks…just look into the case of frog vs. jacqui…it’s hilarous thanks for being my accompliance in that charade 😉

    as for the cat’s name, hehehee i forget it and i also forgot to mention what you did…i do believe the pillow she used as a saddle on that cat was black and had a yellow smiley face..ironic 😉

    i love you papa ;***


    from the sound of your writing and such i figured you like pets…anywhoo tell me why dont you make yourself a blog so i can comment on your future posts…join the blogsphere ;)…if you dont mind me asking…are you a guy or girl…cuz i just didnt get any hint from the writings to your gender ;)..drop by again soon cuz i enjoy your comments 😉

    edward ott:

    i guess most kids go threw that phase using pets as they see fit ;)…just have to admit masakeeen those animals…are truly victims ;)..but from the sound of what your daughter has done i think she isnt mighty harmful to those pets…she sounds delightful and sweet 🙂

  14. 14

    ss said,

    July 22, 2006 @ 1:44 pm

    hi again:)
    i am a girl! and i dont have a blog cause i’m not really a “writer” and i dont know what to write about but i did think about it and inshala if i apen a blog you will be the first to know 🙂

  15. 15

    Your Battlefield said,

    July 22, 2006 @ 8:08 pm


    hey i thought so ;)…i think you can write about anything or nothing and you’ll get comments..it’s a fun way to express yourself and see how others presume you are and such…it’s the world of illusion and intrigue and thoughts and expression….yes plz do inform when you plan on opening a blog i shall be your first comment sweets 😉

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