Hell For Me What About You?

Posted at: 7:52 pm
Filed under : Uncategorized

first of all my day has started off wrong and most likely will end that way.

1. went through this day with only one hour of sleep. then had to go
to skool

2. felt sleepy all day, through all the classes but was awake to
listen to the crap

3. had apparantely 3 tests i only knew 2 but mysteriously the third
was cancelled

4. test one hamadallah easy but TRICKERY TREAT all i have to say

5. test two, after it i had a writers cramp who wouldn’t after
writing an essay for 1 hr 30min

6. comes lunch and break at skool, didnt have time to even compose
myself for the hell to come

7. algebra class, i couldnt get it, couldnt follow through with just
one hour of sleep couldnt would you have made it? at least i was
awake but didnt get anything coming out of the teachers mouth

8. comes lunch time in school, just found out that we have homework
and a test in this class, me forgot that notebook so how do
homework, must ask for book. eventually does it

9. comes the next class, memorization, ok, i knew this was going to
happen, i memorize and get it done, finally one more class to go

10. class with the mysterious test we supposedly have then teacher
cancels it the nevre of her. but thank god cause i didnt know we
had one. oh well even the homework i did in break she didnt
check, useless ooooof utterly pissed i am

11.on the way home, i thought we were going to run over a cat so i
instinctively put me hands on my eyes but that was a scare my
sister driving laughed at me, she was no where near that stupid
cat. ooooof what more can go wrong. still not done ranting here

12. well i decide to sleep to compose myself and probably awake on
the right side of the bed figuratively speaking. didnt happen
unfortuanately. excuse my spelling and grammar to lazy to correct

13. i have to do a lab, almost maybe done but ooooh the hell im

14. i have 2 tests tomorrow so i need to study.

15. i hope this cycle doesnt repeat itself tomorrrow

16. so how was your day compared to mine.


P.S school today all my classes were the chore ones, why couldnt they have been my electives i would not have cared and ranted like this. oooooooooooffff

but all in all, without day’s like these, wouldn’t life be boring, but i thank god and am smiling, because i can make it. well then, gotta go back to studies and inshallah the weekend i can say something far from the subject of schoool.

ONLY thing letting me survive this day is SHEWANTSREVENGE songs and their lyrics which are the antidote to me pain. :O

7 Responses so far

  1. 1

    Purgatory said,

    February 27, 2006 @ 8:53 pm

    go to bed.

  2. 2

    Your Battlefield said,

    February 27, 2006 @ 8:58 pm

    Purgatory: i so need to, but still havent finished the workload of stuff i need to do. but eventually will do so, however far from this hour and time period.:(

  3. 3

    Jacqui said,

    February 28, 2006 @ 1:31 am

    Mistakes mistakes ruining this post.

    I have this grammar & spelling picker when reading something, apparently I skip it when writing myself :r

  4. 4

    Your Battlefield said,

    February 28, 2006 @ 1:44 am

    Jacqui: i thought it was jackie but guess you changed it

    i was caught up in the moment and my conflicted mind typed it up with errors.

    mistakes, mistakes, i know, but we all make them, and i m to lazy to go back and grammar/spell check it after i complain, its just not done 😛

  5. 5

    Purgatory said,

    February 28, 2006 @ 3:55 pm

    now you undertand what sleep would do, so next time rest before writing posts and take a shower too.

  6. 6

    Your Battlefield said,

    February 28, 2006 @ 8:43 pm

    Pugatory: thanks for the advice, it will not go in one ear and out the other :p, but have u got any adivce for those who are sick like me, suffering from a sore throat,sniffles, and stomachache. cause if you do, tell me and ps i have a test tomorrow so go figure how my mind is going to wakie wakie

  7. 7

    elf-skinned motion said,

    July 19, 2007 @ 3:02 pm

    For rigorous teachers seized my youth, And purged its faith, and trimmed its fire, Showed me the high, white star of Truth, There bade me gaze, and there aspire. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse

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