H(at)e loves you.

Posted at: 5:40 pm
Filed under : Uncategorized

I just don’t understand life anymore. You break me into a million and one delicate pieces. Then you kindly come back to me with glue and sincere words.

You put me back together, but sooner than later. You’ll break me apart.

I’m too confused to defend my silence. Can you please just give back my heart? It still hurts in your keeping. I’d rather it hurt in me.

I’m beautiful and I keep lying.

I will never make sense.

Good dreams.

5 Responses so far

  1. 1

    KTDP said,

    July 21, 2008 @ 6:05 am

    hang in there, when things get tough you just have to ignore them until they get better. Videogames help alot …..

  2. 2

    nQ said,

    July 21, 2008 @ 7:34 am

    i hardly believe you understood life in the first place

  3. 3

    your battlefield said,

    July 21, 2008 @ 4:30 pm

    thanks…but this is all fiction, but sure k.

    the person in the piece probably didnt and Im just an amateur writer in the making, so remember that my pieces or posts are not true, most are based on fiction or someone i already know….

    as for me and understanding life,
    hell if your living my life this moment,
    you’d be shocked in knowing i understand it better
    than anyone else whose been thru a crises…
    thnx for ur input, it was sort of harsh but thnx.

  4. 4

    iRise said,

    August 10, 2008 @ 5:50 pm

    Well said… 🙂

    Things will get better…

  5. 5

    your battlefield said,

    August 11, 2008 @ 3:46 am

    thank you,
    and it does get better,
    only you have it get worser than
    life turns upside up…not down 😕 .

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