[tejra7 o tensani]

Posted at: 10:27 am
Filed under : Disappointments, Fiction, Heartbreaks, Life, Nonsense

I am tired of overusing the words.
&I am really tired of trying to let you into this heart.

I am tired of listening to the silence kill our anonymous feelings,
& you seem to just willingly want to never budge.
I….give up this so-called lust coated love.

You forget me.
& my insides are all confused.
My heart tells me to let you go,
but I never follow what it suggests.

I never listened,
I longed to voyage back to hurting.
I love your hurt.

I find you a necessary
& I give up.
I surrender.
I need for this to stop.

come to an end.

we did not start.

I have caused too much damage on myself,
to continue floating in the dark waters of unwanted.

Laish tejra7 o tensani?
Laish tegool ma te7ib
……Inta lik 7ob thani?
5ala9 ma tabeeni?
………..7abebi enta shftelik 7ob thani?
yemot il 7ob.

kil 7ob o yemoot.


i do not bite, i’d love to have some comments.

3 Responses so far

  1. 1

    rawr said,

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:43 am


    Me loves, im tired of words kaman… *sigh*
    Mashyyyy 7alek ;*

  2. 2

    Abeer said,

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:57 pm

    If you love someone and this someone doesn’t share your love back… then you have to let go!!! before it is too late!
    Dosay 3la your hurt! better than ydoson ohma 3leeeeh! 😯

  3. 3

    Sedna said,

    September 22, 2008 @ 2:01 am

    Stopping by to say hey. 😉

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