Titleless, please forget.

Posted at: 11:37 am
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I think I’m bleeding from the inside out. Its really hurting, from the inside. You have no idea, how much it hurts. How deep it all goes. It dies. I died. I feel dead. I’m colored in red. The color is red, and I hate it. The sensation screams pain, and I dread it.

I want you to know, that each bruise indented a memory of a past mistake. I felt my heart skip beats, and my smiles shallowed. Each blue mark against my skin, my dry eyes, my swollen lips, I want you to have my heart. I remember feeling delicate. I wish life was simple, and the puzzles fit. I want to smile again. I want to find a reason to smile again. Take my heart, I don’t feel the beautiful things anymore.

I’m cold inside. I’m hurting. It’s like there’s a poster sign attached to my body. Step over me. Please abuse, then discard. I’m human and the words you used, the words you spelled, the words you wrote all over my body with permanent ink – it wont ever get erased. I’m losing enough blood, I never wanted more pain.

Why do you give me more, when I never asked.

Can you please understand. I want nothing more than the necessary.  I want to find hopeful answers in a bowl of crunchy cereal. I want you to remember how I looked when I poured you a glass of milk, and my tears rained onto your spoon. You once said, my reflection is beautiful and my heart is rare. I can’t feel the heartbeats anymore. I’m lost and I wanted so much.

But I want to be a little girl now. I want to be innocent to the ways of this world.

On the kitchen floor, kneeling over the spilled milk, and the I have only one word to tell you It will all go away one day.

Be patient.

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