Ente El Gumar

Posted at: 7:40 am
Filed under : Uncategorized

I am for someone else .. And you are for someone other than me. I wish I was that somebody for you, but complications exist, and us together receives resistance.

The years have spoken, they had their say .. Our history denies us a future and you are falling apart as I stand in front of you. You tug at my shirt and I stop myself from holding your hands that are restlessly resting in your lap.

Let go.

It was a delicate touch,

You gave me a delicate hug,

I watched and the intensity in your eyes, You started raining tears on my shirt. It was a firm grip. Beautiful, it was always our reality to have an ending. And this was it. You. In my arms. I am broken. You are sad.

Today, I loved you. I will forever,

but I buried the feelings of love and I burned everything, leaving only the memories in my mind .. I hate the mind, and how it has a capability to retrieve the best and worst .. I miss myself around you .. I miss how the moon smiled bright and I always lost myself in your eyes ..

Ente el Gumar ..

Mani Gumar

Lakn ya 7abeb el ro7

Wainek ma tebayen

Mishtaga leshofek

Mishtag moot

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